Science Themed Birthday Party

A science themed birthday is a great party idea that is sure to entertain. Our Science Theme Parties are FUN, EDUCATIONAL, SAFE & most of all PROVIDE A DAY TO REMEMBER for your son or daughter

It is an Unique way to celebrate your child ‘s birthday party through Fun science hands on experiments, our birthday party theme will help kids to explore various concepts in a practical manner & fun learning, during this event Kids discover the fun side of science as they take part in spectacular science demonstrations including chemical magic, amazing bubbling potions and much more activities. Kids Make their own Science toy & take home whatever they make.

Call us for the activities never seen or heard in the birthday parties

Harry Potter Themed Birthday Party

Magical way to celebrate your child ‘s birthday party through Fun Harry Potter themed birthday party along with the spells and Witchy activities Kids will make their own exciting Magical Potions with weird ingredients and take home….. Call the Science Bug team to discuss a custom party for your ‘Harry Potter / Hermione’

Spy Themed Birthday Party

This Spy theme birthday party is designed to intrigue budding super sleuths who enjoy their science mixed with a bit of drama. Here participants get a chance to be a Spy and solve the Case studies. They learn about the importance of their fingerprints and Take their own Finger Print, Understand about coding languages, coding and decoding, Make their own code language and pass message secretly, Much More……….

Spa Themed Birthday Party

Spa-Party is a new and exciting way to celebrate your child’s birthday with ScienceBug s Spa theme. Kids have lot of Fun making their own Non harmful and Herbal Cosmetics and other Spa products like Perfume or Spa salts, may be more than that.

lets make our own Herbal Spa products and have fun with it!!

Space Themed Birthday Party

Calling all space cadets! This space cadet themed birthday party is filled with fun ideas and activities that would be great for any space themed party. For an out of this world theme that captures the imaginations of little astronauts everywhere, the design of the invitations is super clever. Kids will feel like they are astronauts. Make the day of your kid’s special day more special by having this theme.

Dino-Mite Themed Birthday Party

Calling all space cadets! This space cadet themed birthday party is filled with fun ideas and activities that would be great for any space themed party. For an out of this world theme that captures the imaginations of little astronauts everywhere, the design of the invitations is super clever. Kids will feel like they are astronauts. Make the day of your kid’s special day more special by having this theme.

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